Employees Increment: Good news for employees, 15% increase in salary, order issued, up to 40,000 rupees will come in the account!

Employees Salary Hike: Great news for employees, 80% variable pay will be paid along with salary, increase in salary up to Rs 12000 is possible, so much money will come in the account in the month of September
Employees Salary Hike: Great news for employees, 80% variable pay will be paid along with salary, increase in salary up to Rs 12000 is possible, so much money will come in the account in the month of September

There is great news for the employees. His salary has been increased once again by 15 percent. Orders have been issued for this. Along with the 15 per cent increase in pay honorarium, a big hike will be seen in their salary. With this, his salary can be 30 thousand.

Employees Increment: There is good news for the employees. His salary has been increased by 15 percent by the state government. Orders have been issued for this. The issued orders say that they should be paid the salary even during the strike period.

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In fact, the employees of Jharkhand were on strike for 1 month and 10 days demanding their regularization. The contract employees have been given a gift of 15 percent increase in salary and honorarium against the seventh pay scale in the health department. For this, on February 25, under the chairmanship of the Health Minister, a meeting was held by Jharkhand Contract Medical Workers Union and Jharkhand State ANM GNM Employees Union, in which this decision was taken.

15 percent increase in honorarium

At the same time, against the seventh pay scale, their honorarium has been increased by 15 percent. For this, an order has been issued by the Deputy Secretary. In the issued order, they will be paid honorarium even during the strike period. Also, to accommodate the duration of the strike, their services will be taken on gazetted holidays-due holidays.

From January 16 to January 25, the ANMs, GNMs and medical personnel working in the state under the Jharkhand State AIDS Control Society were on strike. During this, in the talks on February 25, it was decided to pay 15 percent honorarium and to compensate for the strike period, to provide services on holidays. Earlier, orders for payment of honorarium for the strike period of the contractual employees had also been issued by the Civil Surgeon even before the order of the Health Department.

They will get the benefit of extension of term

Not only this, a big gift will also be given to the employees working on contract in the state. The process of extension of the term of the worker involved in multipurpose work has been started by the department. In this matter, Chief Health Director Virendra Pratap Singh says that data has been sought from all civil surgeons. So that the process of extension of term can be completed. MPWs working under the establishment, whose services are satisfied and have completed their 2 year term in the services. Instructions have been given to make their reports available. His term will also be extended in 2023-24. Along with this, after receiving the report, necessary guidelines will be made available in relation to salary payment, according to which the benefits of salary should be given to the employees.

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