Employees Leave and arrears : Good news for the employees, will get the benefit of 12 additional holidays, arrears will be paid in 1 month, agreed in the meeting

Employees Leave Policy: Tech company is providing 9 day break and paid holiday to its employees, know details
Employees Leave Policy: Tech company is providing 9 day break and paid holiday to its employees, know details

It has been decided in the meeting that daily wage workers will be given the benefit of 12 additional holidays in a year. The Joint Commissioner ordered all the officers to give 15 casual leaves to all the outsourced workers.

Employees Leave and arrears: There is good news for the daily wage workers of Chandigarh Municipal Corporation. Now Dailyways employees will get the benefit of 12 additional holidays in a year. Under this, the arrears of pending DC rates of 2019 will be given to the outsourced workers in a month.

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12 extra holidays

Actually, this decision has been taken in the meeting between the representatives of Coordination Committee of Government and MC Employees and Workers UT Chandigarh under the chairmanship of GS Sodhi, Joint Commissioner, Chandigarh Municipal Corporation. It has been decided in the meeting that daily wage workers will be given the benefit of 12 additional holidays in a year. The Joint Commissioner ordered all the officers to give 15 casual leaves to all the outsourced workers.

Arrears will be paid in 1 month

Along with this, it has been decided in the meeting that a letter will be written to the contractors for giving arrears of DC rates to outsourced workers and all outsourced workers will be given arrears of pending DC rates for 2019 within a month. The same categories whose DC rates have not increased, their grade pay has been sent to the DC office.

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