Employees Leave Benefit: Good news! Employees will get leave, Union Minister gave information, they will get benefits

Employees leave: Employees will get the benefit of paid leave, DoPT issued order, government offices will remain closed
Employees leave: Employees will get the benefit of paid leave, DoPT issued order, government offices will remain closed

An important facility has been started by the central government for the government employees. Under which they will get the benefit of long leave. This information has been given by the minister in the Lok Sabha. According to the information given by the Union Minister, male single employees including women employees will also be able to take advantage of this facility.

Employees Benefit, Employees CCL Benefit: There is big news for the employees. They will get the benefit of long leave. This information has been given by the Union Minister. Female and male employees can also take advantage of this scheme of the government.

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In fact, while answering questions in the Lok Sabha, the government said that women and single male government employees have the right to take leave for child care. Child care leave of 730 days is provided to female and single male government employees. Giving information, Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh said that women and men government employees can take additional 730 days leave to take care of their child.

Provision for maximum leave of 730 days

Under the government rule, there is a provision of maximum leave of 730 days during the entire service for the care of the two eldest children up to the age of 18 years. In the case of disabled children, no age limit has been set for this. Female Government servants appointed to civil services and posts in connection with the Union and single male Government servants are eligible for Child Care Leave under Rule 43C of the Central Civil Services Leave Rules, 1972.

Single men, widowers or divorcees can also avail this facility

The minister has clarified that like women, single men, widowers or divorcees can also take advantage of this facility to take care of their children. In respect of availing leave for the care of a disabled child, it is mandatory for the employees to submit the certificate of dependency on that child and relevant documents.

Women’s panel proposes extension of paternity leave in 2022

Explain that men were eligible for 15 days leave within 6 months of the adoption of the child. In 2022, the women’s panel proposed to increase paternity leave. Earlier, Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang had made an important announcement. He had said that his government would provide 12 months maternity leave to its employees and 1 month paternity leave facility. This benefit will help the government employee to take care of his child family.

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