Employees-pensioners will soon get a big gift: DA and salary will increase in January 2023, know AICPI figures and latest updates

7th pay commission: Employees will get another gift in the new year! Salary will increase this much, know the latest updates
7th pay commission: Employees will get another gift in the new year! Salary will increase this much, know the latest updates

7th Pay commission DA Hike: Between January and March 2023, the dearness allowance of the employees can be increased at the rate of four percent. After which it is likely to increase from 38% to 42%. With this increase in the salary of the employees getting the maximum basic salary, an increase of Rs 27312 will be seen.

There is good news for one crore employee pensioners across the country. In fact, in the next year 2023, once again there will be a huge increase in their dearness allowance. Due to the increase in the AICPI figure, an increase of 4 percent can be seen in the dearness allowance. However, at present no official announcement has been made regarding this.

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If we look at the same AICPI figures, between January and March, an increase of 4 percent can be seen in the dearness allowance of central employees. With this increase, dearness allowance and dearness relief of 47000 employees and 63000 pensioners will increase to 42 percent.

Determination of DA from AICPI
Before this, AICPI figures are being released continuously by the Ministry of Labour. This figure, which is released at the end of every month, has seen an increase in the month of September. After which the figure has increased to 131.2. There has been an increase of 2.1 in the figure between June till now. In the coming times, there will be an increase in dearness relief and dearness allowance. The AICPI data is of utmost importance for the increase in DA. The AICPI figures are showing an increase for the 3rd consecutive month. After the positive increase, the possibility of a 4 percent increase in dearness allowance has intensified.

Salary will increase
Despite the 4% hike in DA, employees on the basis of minimum pay will see an increase of Rs 720 in their DA, while for employees drawing the maximum pay of Rs 56000, DA will see an increase of Rs 2276 per month. With this increase, the employees getting the minimum basic salary will get an annual increment of Rs 8640 while the employees getting the maximum basic salary will get an increase of Rs 27312 annually.

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