There is great news for the employees. His retirement age can be increased by 3 years. This has been recommended by the committee.
Retirement Age hIke, Employees Retirement Age: There is big news for the employees. His retirement age can be increased. For this the performance appraisal system to advance the age of superannuation has been recommended by the committee. If all goes well, the retirement age of the employees may see an increase of 3 years.
Recommends Appraisal System for Advancement of Retirement Age
In fact, the evaluation system for extending the tenure of Supreme Court and High Court judges beyond the existing retirement age has been recommended by a parliamentary committee. The recommendation made on Monday recommended an increase in the retirement age of high court judges, including judges of the Supreme Court.
At present, judges of the Supreme Court retire at the age of 65, while judges of the High Court leave office at the age of 62. The Standing Committee on Law and Personnel submitted its report on judicial procedure and their reforms. In which it was said that the work of SC and High Court judges in public institutions can be re-evaluated to ensure their impartiality.
Possible increase in the retirement age of judges
The committee in its 133rd report on the subject of judicial process and their reforms said that it felt that the retirement age of judges should be increased. Para 47 of the report recommended that the relevant article of the Constitution of India needs to be amended and the retirement age of Supreme Court and High Court judges should be increased suitably.
Halo’s recommendation clarified that while raising the retirement age, the quality of judgments and decisions taken, including the performance and health status of judges, should be taken into account. Re-evaluation should be done on the basis of number of judgments whereas 48 mentioned. In which it was said that a system of evaluation by the Supreme Court Collegium may be devised and implemented before recommending any judge for extension of his tenure.
Number of pending cases more than 60 lakh
The pendency of cases in respect of the High Court is more than 60 lakhs as on date. This is a serious problem but all the High Courts have very high level of vacancies. The report said that as on December 31 last year, the total vacancy of the High Court was 30% of the sanctioned strength and many of them had 40 to 50% vacancies. In such a situation, an increase in the retirement age has been recommended.