There is great relief news for the employees. Actually preparations have been made to increase their retirement age. For this the act has been amended. Employees will get the benefit of increase in retirement age by 5 years.
Employees Retirement Age Hike: There is good news for the employees of the state. Preparations have been made by the government for increasing their retirement age. At the same time, amendment in the Act has been notified to increase the retirement age. Preparations have been made to increase the retirement age by 5 years.
Explain that amendment in the Kerala High Court Service Act 2008 has also been notified to increase the retirement age of the employees of the High Court of Kerala. The amendment, titled the Kerala High Court Services Amendment Act 2022, has been notified on January 5 after receiving the assent of the governor. Along with amending the High Court Service Retirement Age Determination Act 2008, new rules have been set in it.
In which the retirement age for employees appointed before April 1, 2013 has been increased from 55 years to 56 years.
Along with this, the retirement age of High Court employees after April 1, 2013 has been increased by 5 years, increasing it from 55 to 60 years.
Section 2 of the Act also amended
Not only this, section 2 of the Act has also been amended. Section 2 states that the increase in retirement age for employees will be effective from the afternoon of the last day of that month. In which the employee is attaining the age of 55 years. In such a situation, the benefit of increase in retirement age for employees who have been appointed before April 1, 2013, will be effective from the afternoon of the last day of the month concerned and they will get the benefit of service up to 56 years, while those appointed after April 1, 2013 The retired employee will get the benefit of increase in the age of superannuation from the afternoon of the last day of the same month and can avail the service benefit till the age of 60 years.
Earlier, the State Government was directed by the High Court to conveniently consider the proposal of the employees report to increase the retirement age of High Court employees from 56 years to 58 years. This will help in retaining the experienced staff and the work will go on without delay. In such a situation, an increase in the retirement age has been recommended. In which it was argued on behalf of the state government that the matter is under consideration with the government and the work on it will be completed soon. And now the act has been amended.