There is great news for the employees. His honorarium has been increased. This honorarium will be effective from 1 April 2023. Along with this, they will get the salary for the month of April in the month of May. 9500 rupees will be given in the same account.
Employees Salary: There is big news for the employees. In fact, their honorarium has been increased. This increase will be effective from April 1, 2023. Orders have also been issued for this. This was announced in the budget session. According to the announcement made in the budget session, the employees will get the benefit of increased salary.
Increase in honorarium
The honorarium of Integrated Child Development Services workers has been increased in Rajasthan’s Pilibanga. Giving information, the CDPO said that after the incident, the 15% increase in the honorarium of the workers made by the state government would be revised from April 1. CDPO Manju Bhambhu said that the 15% increase in the honorarium of the employees made by the state government under the budget announcement of the Chief Minister would be revised from April 1.
Increase in salary of employees from April 1
Administrative and financial approval has been accorded. There will be an increase in the salary of the employees from April 1. The salary of Anganwadi workers has been increased to Rs.8984. The salary of Mini Anganwadi workers has been increased to Rs.6916. The salary of Anganwadi assistants has been increased to Rs 5286. The crèche workers will get Rs 4140 as honorarium.
The honorarium of Anganwadi workers who are non-metric and having 5 years experience has also been increased to Rs.9018. Workers having 10 years experience will be given Rs 9054. 9054 will be made available as honorarium to matric pass. Along with this, Rs 9090 will be provided to those who have matriculation and 5 years experience and Rs 9125 will be made available as honorarium to workers having 10 years experience including matriculation.