Employees salary hike: Honorarium will increase, salary will increase up to 50000, important meeting on 19th, know details

Salary Hike Update: Good news! Government's big announcement, 15 days after increasing the salary of state employees, the honorarium of these people was also increased
Salary Hike Update: Good news! Government's big announcement, 15 days after increasing the salary of state employees, the honorarium of these people was also increased

With this, professors will get financial assistance from the university to go for research and seminars in the country and abroad.

Employees salary hike: Before the new year, there is good news for the employees and guest faculty of Panjab University, Chandigarh. Soon the honorarium of guest faculty will be increased. After this, the pay scale of guest faculty will increase up to 50 thousand per month. For this, a big meeting has been called on December 19, in which a final decision will be taken on this.

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In fact, at present guest faculty in PU are given an honorarium of Rs 25 thousand per month. According to the news of Amar Ujal, UGC had issued a letter regarding this on January 28, 2019, in which Rs 1500 per month is given to guest faculty in universities and colleges. Instructions were given to give lectures and maximum honorarium of Rs 50 thousand per month, but the process has not been started so far, so now it will be decided in the Syndicate meeting to be held on December 19.

According to the news of Amar Ujala, the qualification of the guest lecturer has been kept the same as that of regular lecturer to avail the benefit of this honorarium. To give the same benefit, a selection committee will be constituted in educational institutions, in addition to the vice-chancellor or the members nominated by him. Subject expert, Dean of College and SC-BC nominee will also be involved who will select guest faculty as per the selection process of Assistant Professor.

Apart from this, the guidelines of the Budget Fund for Promotion of Research, Innovation and Startups will be decided by Panjab University from the financial year 2022-23 to teachers for conferences, seminars, project writing etc. With this, professors will get financial assistance from the university to go for research and seminars in the country and abroad.

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