Employees Transfer: Good news for employees, Board gave this big order regarding transfer of employees

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HRA Hike Update : Great news for employees! HRA will increase after DA...Know Full Details Here

Employees Transfer: In order to increase the participation of women in Railways, the Railway Board has written a letter to all zones asking them to expedite the requests for posting with spouse.

Railway Employees Transfer: There is good news for lakhs of employees working in Indian Railways. The Railway Board has directed all Zonal Railways to expeditiously deal with the requests of employees for transfer of their spouses to their places of posting. On August 17, a letter was sent to Principal Chief Personnel Officers of 15 Zones after the Board met Railway employees and their unions for delay in implementing the request of employees to transfer their spouses to their places of posting, despite the laid down policy or Again the request was denied.

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In a letter sent by the Railway Board to all zonal officers, it has been said, “It is requested that all such pending requests may be examined and disposed off as per the prescribed policy.”

Do not hang applications for a long time

Railway Board is of the view that after the digitization process of Human Resource Management System (HRMS), such requests should not remain pending for long.

Women’s participation will increase

On March 2, 2010, the Ministry of Railways relaxed its policy regarding posting of husband and wife at the same place in view of the need to make concerted efforts to increase the representation of women in central government jobs. Transfer options have been suggested in this policy taking into account various working conditions such as seniority status of husband and wife, employment status where one of the spouses may belong to another Central Service etc.

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