Employees will get a big gift before Diwali, benefit of special allowance-qualification salary, order issued

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FD Investment Tricks: Big news! These 3 tricks of FD will give big returns every year, know details

There is good news for the 6th-7th pay commission employees before Diwali. On one hand, 4% increase in Dearness Allowance (DA Hike) of employees has been announced. Now a clarification has been issued on the admissibility of special allowance/qualification pay to the employees of CCAS cadre. Under which the benefit of special allowance will be made available to the employees of CCAA vow. Orders in this regard have been issued by the Department of Expenditure.

In this office’s Office Memorandum No. Seventh Central Pay in respect of grant of special allowance and qualifying pay to CCAS employees on the basis of revised rates as per A.11019/20/Miscellaneous/2015/MF.CGA(A)/NG/Vol.III/2013 dated 29.11.2019 Attention is invited as a result of the AAO (Civil) CBT Examination (erstwhile AAO (Civil) Examination) and Departmental Confirmation Examination for Accountants conducted by the Commission (Seventh CPC), they have the office of the CGA.

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In this connection it is clarified that the Special Allowance and qualifying pay admissible to the eligible candidates of AAO (Civil) CBT Examination (erstwhile AAO (Civil) Examination) and Departmental Confirmation Examination for Accountants may be given effective at the prescribed rate. . The allowance will be valid from the next day after the last date of the respective examination in which the candidate is successful.

OM of the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. No. 03.26/2020-E IIA) dated 29.06.2022, OM. No. NGE-18007/5/2020-NGE-CGA-Part(1)/226 Dated 01.08.2022 (copy attached) Regarding grant of special allowance to the candidate who passed AAO (Civil) CBT Examination (Pre AAO (Civil) Examination) can be strictly followed.

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