Employees Provident Fund Alert: Do not share your personal information like Aadhar number, PAN number, UAN number etc. on such calls. Also, do not share your financial details.
EPFO Cyber Alert: Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has lakhs of subscribers. In such a situation, EPFO keeps sharing something on Twitter to give information to its account holders from time to time. Recently EPFO has alerted the account holders about cyber fraud.
For some time, many such cases have come to the fore in which cyber criminals vacate their account by stealing the necessary information of PF account holders. EPFO has given some suggestions to keep its account holders safe from such frauds. Let us know what the account holders of EPFO should take care of while handling the account.
EPFO has told its account holders that you EPFO does not try to contact your account holders with the help of calls, messages, social media. In such a situation, call or message you in the name of EPFO, keep in mind that this call has been made by a fraudster.
Do not share your personal information like Aadhar number, PAN number, UAN number etc. on such calls. Also, do not share your financial details. By doing this you can become a victim of fraud and money can be stolen from your account.
Let us tell you that cyber criminals make victims of cyber crime by leaving their old jobs and joining new places.
If someone makes a phishing call or message in the name of EPFO or you have asked for your personal details, then in such a situation you can file a complaint with the police. Along with this, do not share other information like your credit, debit card PIN etc. with anyone.