EPFO new update for pensioners! Now Pension is not available without this number, know in details

EPFO new update for pensioners! Now Pension is not available without this number, know in details
EPFO new update for pensioners! Now Pension is not available without this number, know in details

EPFO pensioners alert! This number is issued by EPFO, which is of 12 digits. This number is needed in all the works related to EPFO pension. Pension is not available without this number

If you do a private job and contribution is made to EPFO every month from your account, then you must know about the Pension Payment Order ie PPO number. PPO number is issued by EPFO, which is of 12 digits. This number is needed in all the works related to EPFO pension. Apart from this, PPO number is also required every year while submitting your life certificate. That is, without PPO number, all the work related to your pension can get stuck. If you have lost or forgotten this number, here’s how you can get it again.

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Know what is the use of this number

While applying for pension, you are asked for PPO number. On the other hand, if you want to transfer PF account from one bank to another, then also you need PPO number for this. Apart from this, if you want to make any complaint related to pension, then it is necessary to give PPO number. At the same time, PPO number is also required to track the online pension ie to know the online pension status. In such a situation, try to enter the pension payment order number in your passbook. There can be trouble if this number is not entered in the passbook.

How to recover lost

  • First of all go to the official website of EPFO www.epfindia.gov.in.
  • Here you will see the option of ‘Pensioners’ Portal’ in Online Services by going to the Home Page, go to it.
  • Now the Know Your Pension Status option will appear on the left side. Click on this option.
  • After this you have to know your PPO No. on the left side of the dashboard. option will appear.
  • After clicking on it, you will have to submit it by entering your EPF linked bank account or PF number.
  • After submitting, your PPO number will appear in front of you.

Explain that every month a fixed amount is deposited in the EPF account from the salary of any EPFO member. Out of this, 8.33 percent amount goes to the pension account. If the employees have completed 10 years of service, then they are entitled to get pension from EPFO. In such a situation, he can take advantage of pension at the age of retirement.

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