Equipped with facilities like car, helipad, golf course and swimming pool more than 100 feet long

Equipped with facilities like car, helipad, golf course and swimming pool more than 100 feet long
Equipped with facilities like car, helipad, golf course and swimming pool more than 100 feet long

By now many would have seen small cars, tall cars, tall cars in pictures or even on the road.

But now there is talk of a car which is more than 100 feet long. The car not only has a seating area but also has facilities like helipad, golf course, swimming pool. The car was recently listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. The name of this car is American Dream and it is 30.54 meters, which is more than 100 feet long.

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The American Dream has been the longest car in the world for many years. This car is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The car was made in 1986. The car was built by a person named Jay Ohrberg living in California. Now once again American Dreams is in the headlines.

The car was first built in 1986, when it measured 60 feet long. This car was in a dilapidated condition for many years. Now a person has recently redesigned it. The car then broke its own record. Now once again this car has become the longest car in the world.

The length of this car is 100 feet. This car has 26 tires and two engines on either side of the car. Typical cars range from 10 to 15 feet. But this car is 100 feet. This car has broken the record of all vehicles. American Dreams can be run from both sides.

This car is not only tall but also has a great experience. The car not only has seats but also a swimming pool, water bed, diving board, bathtub, golf course, helipad. It can seat 75 people. The weight of this helipad can be up to 5,000 pounds. There are also facilities like TV, fridge, telephone.


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