Finance Ministry issued new alert! Beware of call-messages coming for custom duty or fee collection, otherwise…..

Finance Ministry issued new alert! Beware of call-messages coming for custom duty or fee collection, otherwise.....
Finance Ministry issued new alert! Beware of call-messages coming for custom duty or fee collection, otherwise.....

CBIC Fraud Alert: CBIC has received a complaint that people are receiving call messages in the name of the Custom Department and demanding custom duty from people.

Finance Ministry Alert Update: If you have received such calls, emails, messages or social media posts saying that he is speaking to the Customs Department and asking you to pay custom duty in your personal bank account, then such calls, emails Be careful with the message. You can be cheated through this type of fraud message.

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From the Finance Ministry to the Central Board of Indirect Taxes (CBIC), tweeting has asked people to beware of such fraudulent messages. The Ministry of Finance is tweeting that if you receive such a phone call, SMS or email claiming that he is speaking to the Customs Department and asking you to pay custom duty or fees, do not do so.

Ministry of Finance and CBIC said that Indian Custom never calls or sends SMS. The Customs Department uses Document Identification Number (DIN) for all communication which is a unique number. Anyone can verify the Document Identification Number by visiting And your social media friend has demanded money or financial help from you by saying that he has been taken into custody by the Indian Customs, even then the Finance Ministry has asked such people to be careful.

The Finance Ministry has asked people to beware of such fraudulent calls, SMS or emails. Along with this, the ministry has also advised to contact the local police immediately on receiving any such message.

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