There is great news for the employees. In fact, changes have been made in the rule to give the benefit of retirement service to the employees after retirement. An order has been issued for this.
Pensioners Pension, Retirement Benefit: There is big news for the employees. In fact, important amendments have been made in the rules regarding their pension. An order has been issued by the Finance Ministry for this. Orders have been given for timely payment of retirement benefits to the retiring employees.
Issued orders
It has been brought to the notice of this office that the first credit of pension to the account of pensioners is inordinately delayed and in some cases by more than three months. The instructions in this regard are clear (as issued by CPAO’s OM dated 12.07.2021 and 23.05.2021) that the first credit of pension is to be done on the basis of e-PPO and as per standard timelines PPO booklet and related Documents will follow.
These will be the rules
- The Controller General of Accounts has taken serious note of the delay in crediting pension/family pension to the accounts of pensioners/family pensioners and has directed that all efforts should be made to ensure that the pension is credited to the pensioners’ accounts by the due date.
- Attention of all concerned that the time prescribed by the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare (DoP&PW) for processing and payment of pension/family pension, gratuity, other retirement benefits and authorization by the Accounts Officer under Rule 63 and 76 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021- You are also attracted towards the border.
- This office has repeatedly reiterated that the provisions of Para 7.3.2 and 7.3.3 (Role of PAO and CPAO) of the Civil Accounts Manual need to be followed by all concerned. It is directed that the following time norms are required to be followed by all field offices.
- The time for submission of pension papers complete in all respects to the PAO by the Head of Office will be as per the standard CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021.
- Keeping this in mind, all Pvt. The CCA/CCA/CA(I/C) of the concerned
- Ministries/Departments are requested to ensure that pension/family pension cases are processed within the prescribed time-frame to ensure that the pension/family Pension is being compulsorily credited to the pensioner’s account.