Gold Price: Big news! Gold costlier by Rs 1300 and silver by Rs 5000; Know the rate of 10 grams of gold

Gold Price Latest Update: Gold reaches 7 month low, know whether it is the right time to buy
Gold Price Latest Update: Gold reaches 7 month low, know whether it is the right time to buy

Gold Silver Price: The rate of silver also went up to Rs 77280 per kg. But when a decline was seen in it, it fell down to Rs.68429. That is, a decline was seen from the high level to about Rs 9000. Again both the metals are seeing a boom.

Gold Price 13th July: After the record rise in the rate of gold and silver in the last days, both the precious metals continued to decline for about a month. At that time, the buyers were relieved due to the fall in the rates of gold and silver. But now once again the rise in the rate of gold and silver is being seen. Gold climbed to a record high of Rs 61739 per 10 grams. When there was a fall in gold, it came down to Rs.58,027. But now again a boom is being seen in it.

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Silver high of Rs 77280 per kg

Similarly, the rate of silver also went up to Rs 77280 per kg. But when a decline was seen in it, it fell down to Rs.68429. That is, a decline was seen from the high level to about Rs 9000. Again both the metals are seeing a boom. On Thursday, along with the bullion market in gold and silver, a boom is also being seen on the Multi-Commodity Exchange (MCX). Today gold climbed up to Rs 59329 per 10 grams and silver reached Rs 73296 per kg.

Gold and silver rates rise on MCX

On Thursday, a rise in the rate of gold and silver is being seen on the Multi-Commodity Exchange (MCX). On MCX, gold is trending up by Rs 137 at Rs 59325 per 10 grams and silver is trending at Rs 73890 per kg, up by Rs 344. Earlier on Wednesday, gold had closed at Rs 59188 and silver at Rs 73546 per kg on MCX.

Bullion market also booming

Bullion market rates are published everyday on the official website According to the rate released by IBJA website on Thursday, 24 carat gold rose by about Rs 550 to reach Rs 59329 per 10 grams. At the same time, a tremendous increase of more than Rs 2500 was seen in silver and it is getting Rs 73296 per kg. This is the biggest rise in the price of silver in a day.

Compared to Thursday’s rate which reached the lowest level in the previous days, an increase of Rs 1300 per kg is seen in gold and about Rs 5000 per kg in silver. Gold had fallen to Rs 58055 in the last days. But today it has again climbed up to Rs 59,329. Similarly, silver also fell to the rate of Rs 68429 per kg. But on Thursday its rate reached a record rate of Rs 73296 per kg.

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