Good news: EPFO ​​subscribers surge, 8.45 million new subscribers added in July compared to June


New Delhi. A good news has come in the Corona crisis amid news of a job crisis and unemployment. The latest figures from the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) are pointing to an improvement in the employment situation, EPFO ​​subscribers have doubled in July compared to June, indicating that the employment situation has improved in the month of July. . In July, the number of subscribers joining EPFO ​​has increased to 8.45 lakh, which is double as compared to June.

EPFO figures improve
According to data released by the Employees Provident Fund, the number of employees joining the EPFO ​​in July 2020 has risen to 8.45 lakhs, double that of June. According to PayRoll Data released by EPFO, EPFO ​​added 8.45 lakh new subscribers in July, compared to 4.82 lakh in June 2020. According to the Provisional payroll data released by the EPFO, 6.55 lakh new enrollments have taken place in June. Which has now been improved to 4,82,352.

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Registration of shareholders was reduced in the month of May
According to data released by the EPFO, the net registrations with the EPFO ​​in May declined to 5.72 lakhs as compared to March 2020, compared to 10.21 lakhs in February. Net registration was negative in April. According to the latest Payroll data, the number of net new subscribers in the financial year 2019-20 stood at 78.58 lakhs as compared to 61.12 in the last financial year.Was lakhs. Let us tell you that from the year 2018, EPFO ​​releases payroll data of new subscribers. These figures show that between September 2017 and July 2020, the number of net new subscribers has increased to 1.68 crore.

PF interest rate in installments
Fixed the interest rate of PF for the financial year 2019-20. The meeting fixed an interest rate of 8.5 percent on the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) for the financial year 2019-20, of which 8.15% interest will be paid to the shareholders at present, the remaining 0.35% interest will be paid to PF subscribers from December.




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