There is good news for the employees. In fact, once again the installment of their dearness allowance can be increased by three to four percent. Along with this, increasing their minimum basic salary can also be discussed by the government.
It is believed that the month of July will again see an increase in the salaries of the employees. Along with this, they will get the benefit of other allowances including their dearness allowance.
7th Pay Commission, DA Hike, Fitment factor: There is good news for central employees. On the one hand, his DA has been increased by 4 percent for the time being. At the same time, they will soon get the benefit of another increase in inflation. With this, their dearness allowance can increase up to 46 percent. It is believed that the government can increase the dearness allowance by three or four percent. This increase will be effective from July 2023 to December 2023.
Central employees are currently being given the benefit of 42 per cent dearness allowance. A 4 per cent increase in his DA was announced in the month of March. Notification for this has also been issued after approval by the Union Cabinet.
Payment of arrears including current DA 42 percent
At present, along with giving them the benefit of 42 per cent increase, they are also being paid arrears. At the same time, preparations are being made to increase another installment of dearness allowance. Will be made effective from July 2023. However, it can be announced by the government in the end of September or in the month of October. Dearness Allowance has been predicted to increase by 3 or 4 percent.
DA will increase from AICPI figure
This can be increased to 45 percent with an increase of 3 percent in the dearness allowance of the employees under the AICPI figure. However, after the increase in the figure, the rate of DA may increase. After which the inflation rate will be 46 percent.
With the 46 percent increase in DA, the salaries of central employees will once again see an increase. Also, an increase in their salary can be seen from 27000 to 30000 rupees annually. The announcement of its approval by the government for the second half may be possible in the month of October. At present, no official statement has been issued by the government on this.
Possible increase in minimum basic salary
At the same time, in view of the upcoming elections, the government can also increase the minimum basic salary for central employees. In fact, this has been a long-standing demand of the employees. It is believed that before the elections, the government may take some important decision in this direction to please the workers.
Current fitment factor is 2.57
At present the fitment factor for central employees is 2.57. On the basis of this the salary and allowances of the employees are paid. Seven, their salary is also calculated on this basis. There is a demand to increase it under the Seventh Pay Commission. Amidst the demand to increase the fitment factor to 3.68, the government may increase it up to 3 times.
Increase in basic pay
If this happens, along with the increase in the fitment factor of the employees, along with their basic pay increase, the basic pay may increase from Rs 18000 to Rs 26000. However, according to the preparation of the government, it can be increased from Rs 18,000 to Rs 26,000. With an increase of 3 times, the fitment factor may increase to Rs 21,000, while according to 3.57, it is expected to increase to Rs 26,000.
44.4% increase in salary will be recorded
After 3.68, with the basic pay being Rs 26000, the salary of the employees will be Rs 95600. With this, an increase of 44.4% in his salary will be registered. Along with this, he will get a benefit of Rs 39420 in his salary. On the other hand, with the increase of three times, his salary can be calculated by multiplying 21000*3 to Rs.63000.