Good news for employees! Employees will get benefit of Rs 51000, notification issued, know complete details

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Employees will get benefits ranging from Rs 11000 to Rs 51000 from this scheme of the state government. Apart from this, their citations will be put in the service book of each employee. This preparation has been done for the benefit of the employees and to promote good governance in the state.

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7th Pay Commission Employees: There is good news for the government employees of the state government. In fact, a big decision has been taken by the government to encourage the employees in their interest. Along with this, a new scheme has been started. For which notification has been issued. Under the issued notification, the employees will be given a benefit of up to Rs 51000 including a citation.

Good Governance Award Scheme has been launched by Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar to encourage employees doing remarkable and innovative work. Under this scheme, the award will be distributed to the employees in two levels. In the matter, Chief Secretary Sanjeev Kaushal said on Saturday that the objective of the scheme is to promote good governance in the state.

New Scheme Eligibility
According to the scheme, a maximum of 10 awards will be given at the state level. The rules have been fixed to award 2 prizes in the first phase, three prizes for the second place and five prizes for the third. Along with this, every district will be awarded in the form of three prizes. Employees working in the Economic, Infrastructure and Social Regional Street Flagship Program should be eligible to apply for this.

State Level Award
Those employees will be rewarded under this scheme. Who will promote good governance in the state through their individual innovation and special effort. Under this, one state level and another district level prize will be distributed. The winning team of individual employees will be given Rs 51000 as first prize while Rs 31000 for second prize and Rs 21000 will be given to the third prize winner.

District Level Award
In the district level award, Rs 31000 as first prize, Rs 21000 as second prize and Rs 11000 will be given to the third prize winner. Employees will also be given citations and trophies. This citation will be affixed in the service book of the employee.

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