Good news for employees-pensioners, approval of this proposal, benefits will be available in pension like this

Good news for employees, will get 1 month's additional salary, up to 40000 rupees will come in the account, Finance Department's order issued,
Good news for employees, will get 1 month's additional salary, up to 40000 rupees will come in the account, Finance Department's order issued,

Approved to implement Uttarakhand Pension Qualifying Service and Validation Act, 2022.

There is good news for the employees and pensioners of Uttarakhand. The Pushkar Dhami government of the state has taken a big decision regarding pension. The State Government has approved the Qualifying Service and Validation Act 2022 for Uttarakhand Pension. Under this, a transparent and simple system will be made to give pension to daily, ad-hoc, employees and get rid of the problems in pension. There is a possibility that pensioners can be given its benefit before the new year.

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According to media reports, despite the coming into force of the Uttarakhand Retirement Benefits Act, 2018, daily wage earners, ad hoc, work charged personnel working in various departments are approaching the courts for availing the benefits of pension, in such a situation recently In the state cabinet meeting, it was approved to implement the Uttarakhand Pension Qualifying Service and Validation Act, 2022 to give post-retirement pension to the employees appointed before October 2005.

This way you will get benefit
Under this, the Public Works Department is preparing to make a transparent and simple system for pension to the daily ad-hoc workers working in many departments, including the Public Works Department, Irrigation and Forest, in the state, the daily wages, ad-hoc, working in various departments including the Public Works Department, Irrigation and Forest Work charged, contract and fixed salary and pension of part-time workers will be given. With this decision, the employees will be able to get pension or other facilities only under the provisions of the Act. However, the terms or conditions have not come to the fore yet.

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