Orders have been issued by the department on payment of ex gratia including poster bonus and PLB to its employees.
Big announcements are being made continuously by the central department regarding the central employees. The process of giving them gifts before Diwali is going on. On one hand, dearness allowance of 7th pay commission employees has been increased. At the same time, bonus has been approved by the Railways to the employees. Meanwhile, orders have now been issued by the Department of Posts on payment of ex gratia including poster bonus and PLB for its employees. For this, calculation and policy rules have also been fixed, which is necessary for the employees to know. Soon the amount of bonus will be seen in the account of the employees.
According to the order issued, it has been directed to convey the approval of the President of India for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus equivalent to 60 (sixty) days’ emoluments to the employees of the Department of Posts in MTS/Group ‘C’ and Non-Gazetted Group ‘B’ . Ex-gratia payment of bonus to Gramin Dak Sevaks, who are regularly engaged after completing all engagement formalities, and also ad-hoc payment of bonus to temporary laborers awarded temporary status for 60 (sixty) days for the same period To be paid equal to allowance/wages.
Regular employee:
Productivity Linked Bonus will be calculated on the basis of the following formula:-
Average Emoluments X Number of Bonus Days
30.4 (Average Number of Days in a Month)
- “Emoluments” for regular departmental employees include Basic Pay in the Pay Matrix, Dearness Pay, Allowance to Faculty Members in Training Institutes, Deputation (Duty) Allowance, Dearness Allowance and Training Allowance. 7000/- (Rupees seven thousand only) in any month during the accounting year 2021-22, the emoluments will be limited to Rs.7000/- (Rupees seven thousand only) per month only.
- Dividing the “average emoluments” for a regular employee by twelve, the total salary for the period from 1.4.2021 to 31.03.2022 during the year 2021-22, each month’s salary will get Rs.7000/- per month . However, for EOL and DICE-NON periods in a given month, proportionate deduction will be required from the ceiling of Rs.7000/-.
- In the case of employees who were under suspension during the accounting year, or who were charged with death or both, the Explanation Order issued under Para 1 and 3 respectively of this Officer’s Order No. 26-8/80-PAP ( Pt.I) dated 11.6.1981 and No. 26-4/87-PAP (Pt.II) dated 8.2.1988 shall be applicable.
- Those employees who have resigned/retired or left the service or went on deputation within the Department of Posts or who have gone on deputation outside the Department of Posts after 31.03.2022 will also be entitled to bonus. In the case of all such employees, the admissible productivity linked bonus shall be as per the provisions of paras 2.1 to 2.3 above.
Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
- In respect of GDS who were on duty throughout the year during 2021-22, the average monthly Time Related Continuity Allowance will be calculated as Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) and 1.4. From 2021 to 31.3.2022 divided by 12. Where Time Related Continuity Allowance exceeds Rs.7000/-. Allowance in any month during this period will be limited to Rs.7000/- per month. The ex-gratia payment of bonus can be calculated by applying the bonus formula as given below:
Average TRCA x Number of Bonus Days
30.4 (Average Number of Days in a Month)
- In respect of those GDS who were engaged in short term vacancies in Postman / MTS cadre, the O.M. No. 23-01/2019-GDS dated 23.10.2019, the allowance drawn by option will not count towards ex-gratia bonus calculation for either officiating or incumbent GDS. ,
- If a GDS has been on duty for a part of the year by way of fresh appointment, or to be removed from duty, or to leave the service, he shall be entitled to a proportionate ex-gratia bonus calculated by applying the procedure laid down in para 3.1 above. will be paid.
- Those Gramin Dak Sevaks who have resigned/discharged or left the service after 31.03.2022 will also be entitled for proportionate ex-gratia bonus. In the case of all such Gramin Dak Sevaks, the ex-gratia bonus admissible will be as per the provisions of para 3.1 above.
- In the case of Gramin Dak Sevaks who were deferred during the accounting year, or on whom death-non was imposed, or both, vide this Office Order No. 26-08/ 80-PAP (Pt-I) dated 11.6.1981 and No. 26-04/87-PAP(P.II]) dated 8.2.1988 shall come into force.