Have Requested For An Aadhaar Reprint? Here’s How To Check Status


A UIDAI facility allows Aadhaar-registered users to check the status of their request for an Aadhaar card reprint. It is available on the UIDAI website,uidai.gov.in, and mobile app mAadhaar.

Aadhaar card is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)
The UIDAI or Unique Identification Authority of India, which manages the Aadhaar biometric ID programme, provides a range of services online through its website. It enables users to order a reprint of their Aadhaar card through a paid service, wherein a printed copy of the Aadhaar identity card is sent to the user’s registered address. Another facility allows users to check the status of their request for a reprint. Aadhaar-registered users can use this facility through the UIDAI website, uidai.gov.in, or mobile app mAadhaar. Through this service, a user gets information on the current status of the request.

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How To Check Status Of Aadhaar Reprint
Here’s a step-by-step guide to know the status of an Aadhaar reprint request:

Go to the UIDAI website (uidai.gov.in), and select the “check Aadhaar reprint status” option under the “My Aadhaar” section. Here is the direct link.


Select the “check status” option to proceed.

The UIDAI facility displays the status on the next page

A similar process can be followed on mobile app mAadhaar to know the status of an Aadhaar reprint request. (Also Read: Government’s Aadhaar-Based Instant PAN Facility)

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Source: sea.operanewsapp.com


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