High Profit Business Idea : Start this business sitting at home with an investment of Rs 50 thousand, you will get profit of lakhs in a month.

Business Idea: You can start this business sitting at home, you will earn lakhs every month
Business Idea: You can start this business sitting at home, you will earn lakhs every month

High Profit Business Idea: Are you looking for such a business? Which can be started at low cost and can earn good profits. Similarly, poultry farming business can be one of those options. Know the complete information in the news below…

Are you looking for a good business idea that can be started at low cost and also gets good returns? Similarly, poultry farming business can be one of those options which will not only benefit you but it will also promote rural economic development.

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Starting this poultry farming business is easier than you can imagine. With an initial investment of around Rs 40,000-50,000, you can start your own farming business at home. That means in the courtyard or fields.

Government will also help:

The best part of starting this business is that you will get help from both the central and state governments which are actively encouraging and promoting poultry farming. The government provides the necessary financial assistance and training to start poultry farming business which makes it even more attractive for the rural community.

You can get ample benefits from keeping chickens while the main thing lies in choosing the right breed of chicken. If you are aiming for big profits, consider raising chicken breeds like Kadaknath, Grampriya, Swarnath, Kerry Shyama, Nirbhik, Srinidhi, Vanraja, Kari Ujjwal and Kari.

How much will the government help?

The central government provides subsidy through the National Livestock Mission Scheme, which covers up to 50% of your expenses. To know more, you can visit the official National Livestock Portal. Additionally, the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) also provides subsidy for poultry farming. There are many financial institutions from where you can take a loan to start your poultry enterprise.

how to get started:

In the beginning, you can start with only 10 to 15 chickens for which you can consider an investment of around Rs 50,000. …And when the time comes to sell your chickens, your profit can be double of your initial investment. Additionally, the eggs laid by hens can be additional beneficial.

A native hen can usually lay about 160 to 180 eggs annually. Thus you can well imagine how much you will be able to earn when you have a good number of chickens. That means you can earn lakhs every year.

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