New Delhi, Tech Desk. Honor recently launched its mid budget range smartphone Honor 9A in the Indian market, which is being made available through flash cell. This smartphone has a powerful battery of 5,000mAh, which is capable of providing long-term backup to the users. Apart from this, as a special feature, Huawei’s AppGallery facility is available in it. If you are planning to buy this smartphone, then you can take part in the flash sale to be held today. The cell phone will start at 2 pmÂ
Price and availability of Honor 9A
Honor 9A is priced at Rs 9,999 and this smartphone will be made available exclusively for sale on the e-commerce website Amazon India at 2 pm. Users can buy it in Phantom Blue and Midnight Black color variants.Â
Honor 9A offers
According to the information given on Amazon India, the phone can also be purchased in the No Coast EMI option. Apart from this, if you use Citibank’s credit card for EMI, then you will get an instant discount of 5 percent on it. Not only this, after downloading the Hungama Music app on the phone, you can also get a three-month free subscription.Â
Honor 9A specifications and features
Honor 9A has a 6.3-inch HD + display full view display, whose screen resolution is 1600 x 720 pixels. Waterdrop notch is present in the display. This smartphone works on the MediaTek Helio P22 processor and is based on Android 10 OS. It has 3GB RAM and 64GB internal memory, which can be expanded up to 512GB with the help of MicroSD card.Â
Triple rear camera has been given in Honor 9A of mid budget range for photography. The phone has 13MP main camera, 5MP super wide angle and 2MP depth sensor. For the selfie, it has an 8MP front camera, which can also be used for video calling. The phone has a 5,000mAh battery and a fingerprint sensor in the back panel.