How to Apply Smart Ration Card download PDF Online

How to Apply Smart Ration Card And download PDF Online, Check Details
How to Apply Smart Ration Card And download PDF Online, Check Details

The government is moving towards digitization. One by one, all the services are being made smart. 

In this sequence, in other states including Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, the government is also going to make the ration card smart. For this, she has come up with the Smart Ration Card Scheme. Today in this post, we will give you information about this scheme as well as tell how to apply online for this scheme.

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What is Smart Ration Card? What is a smart ration card?

Friends, let us tell you that smart ration cards are being made under the Food and Security Scheme. There will be a QR code in it, which will be scanned and all the information related to the consumer will be revealed. These cards will be linked with Aadhaar and feeding will be electronic.

In such a situation, the theft of ration will be checked and it will not be possible to make disturbances in giving ration.

This card will be used through smart card reader and writer. The kotedar will see how much ration the consumer is entitled to by putting the smart card in the machine and then he will be given ration in the same weight. That is, there will be a one-of-a-kind account. In this way every transaction will be monitored.

scheme name  smart ration card 2022
Department Department of Food and Civil Supplies
Objective Fully ration available to all
application system offline online
Official website

Documents required for making smart ration card

Friends, now let us inform you that if you want to get your ration card made, then what documents you will need for that. These documents are those which are a proof that you have given the correct information about your identity, your residence and contact etc.

in the form. These documents are verified by the Food and Supplies Department before availing the scheme. Only after this the benefit of the scheme is given. These documents are as follows-

  • applicant’s aadhar card
  • applicant’s identity card
  • and applicant’s mobile number
  • residence certificate of the applicant
  • Applicant’s passport size photograph


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