How to hide whatsapp profile photo, this is the complete process, know why it is important for you to do this


Often your number reaches a few unknown people. These are the same people with whom you pay from car and bus booking to mobile. In this way your number easily reaches other people. But often people do not share the things of personal life with professionally connected people. Such as whatsapp profile and whatsapp stest. Even if the same contact number is shared, an unknown person can access your WhatsApp profile and WhatsApp status. Also, taking the screenshot of your profile photo can misuse the image. To avoid this, users should always keep their profile photo hidden. To hide the photo, security features have been made available by WhatsApp. In such a situation, the user can heighten the photo without blocking any person.

How to hide profile photo

  • First you have to click on WhatsApp setting.
  • After this, you have to click on the account, then the privacy option will appear.
  • After this, the user will be able to tap on the profile photo.
  • Here you will see the default setting, where everyone will be allowed to see the profile photo.
  • To change this, click on the My Contacts option. With this, only the contact contact person in your phone will be able to access the profile photo.
  • If you want that no one can access your photo, then you can choose Nobody option.
  • People will see your DP in gray color only when the profile photo is hidden.

Also Read: WhatsApp’s new app launched, experience will change completely, know how to install

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Note – WhatsApp has introduced many new features for user security in the last few years, so that no unknown person can disturb the user. Also, there is no risk to the privacy of the user.


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