How to stay safe during earthquake? Here’s your dos and don’ts

How to stay safe during earthquake? Here’s your dos and don’ts
How to stay safe during earthquake? Here’s your dos and don’ts

It is important to prepare yourself under critical circumstances where you can either fight or flight.

North India and Nepal just recorded an earthquake of 6.2 magnitude. Earthquakes are sudden and disastrous, so it is important to prepare yourself in these critical circumstances where you can either fight or fly. Here are the ways you can protect yourself until the fire services reach you:

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  • Earthquakes can be trembling, but don’t forget to take responsibility for yourself first.
  • The very first thing you should do is to find a safe roof over your head so get under a table or cabinet nearby and only come out when the situation is under control.
  • Think before reacting. Try to look for safety measures in your building, like fire alarms, sprinklers, voice communication procedures, and alarm responses.
  • Avoid using lifts or closed areas for exiting the building or house. Instead, take the stairs.
  • 3 rules of earthquake safety: Drop, Cover, Hold on.
  • Drop- Before the earthquake knocks you down, go on your hands and knees. In addition to keeping you from falling, this position also gives you room to move if necessary.
  • Cover- Under a solid desk or table, cover your head and neck. If there is no adjacent shelter, crouch down next to an interior wall or next to low-lying furniture that won’t fall on you. Then, using your hands and arms, cover your head and neck.
  • Hold on- Hold onto your shelter or your head and neck until the shaking stops. If the earthquake moves your shelter, be ready to move with it.

To protect yourself from future uncertainties the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) suggests preparing an emergency kit for earthquakes that involve, Battery operated torch, First aid kit and manual, Chlorine tablets or powdered water purifiers, Essential medicines, Extra batteries, Thick ropes and Sturdy shoes.

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