How to update information online in PAN Card, this is an easy way


If the PAN card is lost or you want to update the name and other information in the PAN card, then update this way

The time has come to file income tax return, hence PAN card will be required first. PAN is required only in bank or other transaction related activities. In such a situation, if you have to update the PAN card, name, address or any other information, then it is not necessary to visit any center outside.

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You can easily update PAN from all the information sitting at home. Know what you need to do for this

First of all, visit the official website of NSDL.

– Then go to the Services tab and click on PAN.

– Then click on Changes or Correction in existing PAN Data / Reprint of PAN Card. Submit the captcha code after filling in the requested information.

– After this, click on the application form.

– When you can submit documents through e-KYC. But for this, Aadhar card will be required. You can submit a scanned picture through e-sign. After submission, you will have to pay, which you will have to pay online. To make a payment, you have to click on Pay Confirm. After payment, you will get your bank reference number and transaction number. Save both of these then click on Contunue.

After this, tick the box under Aadhaar card and then click on Anthenticate. After this, if your information is getting Aadhaar card, then contunue with e-Sign and e-KYC will have to be clicked. Then you have to click on Generate OTP. After this, enter OTP and click on submit. After this a new page will open. In which you will see the application form. Which is to be downloaded in PDF format. You will also get it through mail. After this, you must send the ID proof documents to the office of NSDL e-Gov.



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