IIT Placement: Placements in IIT reduced by 30 percent, not getting good job offers, companies kept distance

IIT Placement: Placements in IIT reduced by 30 percent, not getting good job offers, companies kept distance
IIT Placement: Placements in IIT reduced by 30 percent, not getting good job offers, companies kept distance

IIT Placement Slowdown: IIT is considered a guarantee of job. However, this year’s placement figures are surprising. The offers available to students have reduced significantly.

IIT Placement Slowdown: There has been a decrease in jobs in the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). This year various companies came to IIT. But, the job offers from their side have reduced by 30 percent. Old IITs Delhi, Bombay, Kanpur, Madras, Kharagpur, Roorkee, Guwahati and Varanasi (BHU) are troubled by this shocking trend. A week has passed since the final placements for this year started. But, there are lines of worry on the forehead of the students. Despite a lot of preparation, according to placement team members, job offers have reduced by 15 to 30 percent compared to last year.

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Jobs are not available even in courses like Computer Science 

The surprising thing is that even in courses like Computer Science, jobs are decreasing. Even after a week, many students still do not have jobs in their hands. For the last few years, Computer Science students have been getting the jobs first. All these students had jobs in just three to four days.

IIT decides the placement trend 

The old IITs are surprised by this trend because every year these institutes set the placement standards for the entire country. Every year lakhs of students fight hard to get into these prestigious institutions so that they can get good jobs and a better life.

Impact of tech recession is visible 

Last year, during the placements itself, the tech recession started appearing. This year it has increased even more. Recruiters are hiring fewer children. Also, many big companies have not yet come forward for placement. There is not much enthusiasm regarding hiring in companies.

Fewer students are getting jobs 

IIT students say that where last year the companies were offering jobs to 8 to 10 children, now they are offering jobs to only 1 to 2 students. The final placement session in IIT started from December 1. Placement cells are now trying to reach more companies. So far, IIT Kharagpur has received only 1181 offers and IIT BHU has received only 850 offers.

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