IMD Alert, Today Weather Update: The period of change in the weather of the country is going on. The sky is cloudy. Heavy rain has been predicted. A red orange alert has been issued for heavy rains in 12 states.
Heavy rain is possible at isolated places over Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Jharkhand, Gangetic West Bengal, Odisha and Bihar. Widespread rain and isolated thunderstorm with heavy to very heavy falls very likely over Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, West Bengal and Sikkim.
IMD Alert, Today Weather Update: The period of change in the weather of the country is going on. The sky is cloudy. Heavy rain has been predicted. A red orange alert has been issued for heavy rains in 12 states. Heavy rain warning has been issued in MP, UP including Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Uttar Pradesh. Rain activities will once again stop in Madhya Pradesh while the rainy season is going to continue in the capital Delhi. Light rain may be seen in some areas.
Thunderstorm and thunderstorm warnings
The Meteorological Department has issued warnings of thunderstorms and storms including thunderstorms in several districts of Uttar Pradesh. An alert has been issued for this. The possibility of rains has been expressed in more than 30 districts today. Light rain can be seen at some places in the capital Delhi today. Although the weather will change from tomorrow. The sky will be clear. Along with this, there will be strong sunshine. Humid heat can be felt.
MP : Stop on rain activities
Rain activities are going to stop once again in Madhya Pradesh. However, after September 2, changes in the weather can be seen. Heavy rain warning has been issued in 18 districts including three divisions. Light drizzle can be recorded in these areas. The sky will be cloudy in Chhattisgarh. However, there will be an increase of 2 to 3% in the temperature. There will be a change in the weather from Friday. In some places the light Buddha may be bigger. Rain warning has been issued in the same three districts today. Weather patterns can change in Chhattisgarh. A forecast of rain has been issued in the late evening.
Monsoon line passing through Deoghar in Jharkhand
The monsoon trough is currently passing through Deoghar in Jharkhand. Due to which monsoon has once again become active in many areas of Jharkhand. At the same time, rain warning has been issued in more than 17 districts of Jharkhand. Heavy rain has been forecast in many areas for two days. Heavy rain warning has been issued in Ranchi and Jamshedpur. A red alert has been issued for this. For the next 5 days, the effect of the monsoon trough will be seen in the eastern and southern regions including central Jharkhand.
Orange alert of heavy rain in more than 20 districts of Bihar
While issuing orange alert for heavy rains in more than 20 districts of Bihar, warnings of thunderstorms and heavy storms have also been issued. Strong winds were predicted at many places. Although there will be changes in the weather from Monday. After this, there may be a decrease in the activity of monsoon. The temperature can rise up to 35 degree Celsius. The period of clouds will continue in the sky. However, due to the continuation of the arrival of clouds, the change in weather can be beneficial.
Rain warning in Uttarakhand, Himachal
Rain warning has been issued in Uttarakhand Himachal. Rain and thundershowers have been forecast in many areas. Orange alert has been issued for this. At present, a warning of intermittent rain has been issued for three days in Uttarakhand. At the same time, forecast of heavy rain has been raised in more than 10 areas of Himachal. Uttarakhand will see a drop in temperature, while heavy rains with thunder and lightning can be seen throughout the week.
Heavy rain in eastern states
Orange-yellow alert for heavy rain has been issued in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram and Tripura. People have been instructed to be alert from landslides. A drop of 2 to 3% in temperature will be recorded. Along with this, forecast of strong wind has also been issued by the Meteorological Department in these areas.
Moderate rain warning in some areas of Maharashtra including Vidarbha
Moderate rain warning has been issued in some areas of Maharashtra including Goa Vidarbha. Strong wind will blow, a rise in temperature can be seen. On the other hand, a warning of moderate rain has been issued in some areas of Raja Seema including Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh. The recent rise in temperature continues. The maximum temperature can rise up to 31 degree Celsius.