Income Tax Department Alert : Income Tax Department issued a warning! Know Otherwise There Will be a Big Loss

Income Tax Department Alert : Income Tax Department issued a warning! Know Otherwise There Will be a Big Loss
Income Tax Department Alert : Income Tax Department issued a warning! Know Otherwise There Will be a Big Loss

Income Tax Department Alert: The Income Tax Department has recently issued a warning to the people by tweeting. The Income Tax Department has said that people should beware of fraudsters who promise jobs.

Income Tax Department:  Troubled by rising inflation and unemployment reaching record levels, getting a job has become a challenge for Ogan. fraudsters also take advantage of this compulsion of the people.

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The Income Tax Department has recently issued a warning to the people by tweeting. The Income Tax Department has said that people should beware of fraudsters who promise jobs.

Recently, many people were asked to give jobs in the Income Tax Department and even fake joining letters were issued to people.

Income Tax Department alerted

The Income Tax Department has told that the jobs in Group-B and Group-C of the department are issued by the Staff Selection Committee (SSC) only. In such a situation, if you also want to do a job in this department, then you will get all the information related to it on the official website of SSC. Do not fall prey to fake jobs by trusting any person.

avoid fraud  

The Income Tax Department has said that never click on any kind of unknown link. Such messages can make you a victim of fraud. With this click, you can get caught in a big fraud.

Also, do not fall for the claims of getting a job from an unknown person. Such people will demand money from you and then run away with the money. Therefore, before making payment on any portal, take complete information.

avoid fraud  Take care of these things 

  • Avoid doing transactions with any unknown person.
  • Your personal information can fall into the wrong hands.
  • If you talk like this on a call from any number, then report and block that number.
  • If there is a suspicion of cybercrime, then go to the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs , and register a complaint.



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