Indian Army Recruitment 2023: Direct vacancy in Indian Army, will get job without examination, Salary up to 1.7 lakh rupees per month

Indian Army MES Recruitment 2023: Recruitment for 41,822 posts in Indian Army, monthly salary will be more than 1.70 lakh
Indian Army MES Recruitment 2023: Recruitment for 41,822 posts in Indian Army, monthly salary will be more than 1.70 lakh

Indian Army Bharti: After shortlisting, candidates will have to appear for psychological test at the selection center for further rounds. After this there will be group discussion and then interview.

Indian Army: Direct recruitment has come out for engineering graduate youth in the Indian Army. The special thing about this recruitment is that in this the candidates will not have to give any written test. Candidates will have to go through three phases. Will be shortlisted in the first phase. After shortlisting, candidates will have to appear for psychological test at the selection center for further rounds. After this there will be group discussion and then interview. For this, it is necessary for the candidates to fill their online form first.

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Youth up to 27 years will get a chance

To apply for this recruitment, the age of the candidate should be at least 20 years. And the maximum age limit has been kept at 27 years. Candidate should be born between 2nd October 1996 to 1st October 2003. The age limit will be calculated on the basis of 1 October 2023. Candidate should not be married.

Recruitment on these posts

Through this recruitment process, 49 posts are to be recruited in Civil, 42 in Computer Science and Engineering, 17 in Electrical, 26 in Electronics, 32 in Mechanical and 9 in other engineering. For SSC Women posts, there are 3 posts in Civil, 7 posts in Computer Science & Engineering, 1 post in Electrical, 2 posts in Electronics, 3 posts in Mechanical.

To apply for these posts, the candidate must have passed BE, B.Tech from a recognized university. If a candidate is studying in the final year of Bachelor of Engineering degree, then he can also apply for these posts. Such people can present their passing certificate till October 1, 2023. Talking about salary, the candidates on these posts will get salary ranging from Rs 56,100 to Rs 1,77,500 per month. At the same time, as long as the training of the candidate is done, a stipend of Rs 56,100 per month will be given.

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