IRCTC Ticket Booking: Getting instant reservation is not that easy. Thousands of people try together at the same time for a small seat.
Many times you are entering the details of the journey and the tickets get exhausted and you feel disappointed. In such a situation, we will tell you such a trick. With the help of which you will be able to get Tatkal tickets easily.
IRCTC Ticket Booking: Getting instant reservation is not that easy. Thousands of people try together at the same time for a small seat. Many times you are entering the details of the journey and the tickets get exhausted and you feel disappointed. In such a situation, we will tell you such a trick. With the help of which you will be able to get Tatkal tickets easily.
Tatkal reservation starts at 10 AM for AC coach. At the same time, booking for non-AC coaches starts at 11 am. But getting instant reservation is not so easy. Thousands of people try together at the same time for a small seat. Many times you are entering the details of the journey and the tickets get exhausted and you feel disappointed. In such a situation, we will tell you such a trick. With the help of which you will be able to get Tatkal tickets easily.
While booking the ticket, maximum time is taken in entering the details of the passenger. If there is more than one passenger then it takes even more time. Apart from this, when you book tickets from the website, you also have to enter the captcha code. Due to which booking takes a lot of time. Doing all this many times the tickets get exhausted and you get a wait-listed ticket.
In such a situation, the IRCTC website and app give you the option to save the details of the passenger in advance. In such a situation, here you do not have to give the details of the passenger again and again.
You should save the passenger details in advance. By doing this you will save time and you will be able to book Tatkal tickets soon. After selecting your train and class, when the app or website asks you for passenger details, instead of clicking on Add New, click on ed Existing. Here the saved passenger profile will appear in front of you. Select the people for whom you want to book tickets.
After this you have to enter your address and go to the payment mode. There, pay quickly through credit card, debit card or UPI. Your ticket will be booked.