Indian Railway New Ticket Rules: Now your ticket can be cancelled if you are 10 minutes late on your seat, Know the new rule of railway

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Indian Railway New Ticket Rules: Now delay in reaching your seat during the train journey can cost you dearly. Because of this your ticket can also be cancelled.

Indian Railway Latest Updates: Due to the increasing problem of traffic jams in cities and the time taken in transportation, many times people are able to catch their train while running. Till now, if the passenger used to reach his berth in the train even after one or two stations, then TTE used to mark his attendance. But now it is being said that if the passenger is delayed for more than 10 minutes in boarding the train, then his ticket will be canceled and the seat will be given to another passenger. Is this order really true or just a rumour, let us tell you about it in detail.

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TTE will wait only 10 minutes!

According to the report of a daily newspaper, now the passenger (Indian Railway New Ticket Rules) will have to board the train from the station from where he has to start the journey. If a passenger is not found on his seat during TTE check, he will wait for him for 10 minutes. After this, his absence will be recorded in the record. Along with this, that canceled seat will be allotted to another passenger traveling in the train.

Now details are entered online

Let us tell that till now TTE (Indian Railway New Ticket Rules) used to mark the attendance of the passengers present with them on the paper list. In this process, he used to wait till the next station for the passenger to arrive. But now he has been given a hand held terminal. Through which he checks the tickets of the passengers and fills the details of their arrival or not. Along with this his details are also recorded in the records of Indian Railways.

Delay can lead to cancellation of ticket

According to the report, now after booking the ticket (Indian Railway New Ticket Rules), passengers will have to board the train from their boarding station itself and reach their seats. If they do not do so, their tickets can be canceled and given to other passengers. Although many times the TTE may be late in reaching the passenger’s seat if it gets stuck in the crowd. In such a situation, the passenger can get some extra time, but doing so will not be free from danger. Therefore, where there is a seat, it would be better to reach there on time.

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