Indian Railway : Now a new rule has been made regarding sleeping in the train, know the new guideline, otherwise you may have to pay a fine

Indian Railway : Now a new rule has been made regarding sleeping in the train, know the new guideline, otherwise you may have to pay a fine
Indian Railway : Now a new rule has been made regarding sleeping in the train, know the new guideline, otherwise you may have to pay a fine

New rule for sleep

For such passengers who love sleeping in the train, this news is not less than good news, because Indian Railways has made new rules for sleeping.

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Indian Railways has made new rules on the complaints coming from the passengers for a long time, if any person talks loudly on his mobile, which causes interference in the sleep of the passengers, then a provision has been made against him. .

If a person listens to loud songs in the train, uses the music system to listen to the songs or shouts loudly while playing a game, thereby disturbing the sleep of the passengers and if the passenger complains against him,

then the noise Strict action will be taken against the passenger who is creating havoc. Now you can sleep peacefully in the train, Indian Railways has made this new rule for the convenience of the passengers.

When will the new gold rule come into force

Indian Railways has made new rules for passengers to sleep peacefully and the Ministry of Railways has asked this rule to be implemented immediately in all zones,

according to this rule, if any passenger makes noise by any person. But if he object and complains, then this problem will be solved only by the staff present in the train.


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