Online waiting ticket is not valid for travel in train. However, if the online waiting ticket is not confirmed by the Railways, the entire ticket money is transferred by canceling it.
It is not easy to get a confirmed ticket from Indian Railways during the festive season, as passengers are facing difficulties in getting tickets even after running special trains. It can be a challenge to get a confirmation even from the instant system at this time. In such a situation, if you want to travel and traveling by train is an option, then here is a way, so that you can travel in the train without a confirmed ticket.
How to travel in train without confirmed ticket
If you book a ticket to travel in a train and your ticket is not confirmed, then you can travel on a waiting ticket in the train, as per the rules of Indian Railways. But to use this option, you have to take the waiting ticket through window only. Travel is not allowed on online waiting train ticket booking.
Online waiting ticket is not valid for travel in train. However, if the online waiting ticket is not confirmed by the Railways, the entire ticket money is transferred by canceling it. On the other hand, if you cancel the ticket three hours before the chart preparation, you will be refunded along with some charges.
TTE can provide seat
On the other hand, if your ticket is in the waiting list or if you have booked a ticket in the current window, then the passenger can take permission from TTE to travel on that seat, if any seat becomes vacant. However, the TTE can allow the passenger to travel on the vacant seat only after the chart is prepared.
TTE cannot stop traveling
If you have a ticket taken from the railway window, the ticket checker cannot stop you from traveling, but if the TTE does not have any spare seats left in the train then no seat will be given to you.
Railways running 179 special trains on festivals
It is worth noting that Indian Railways is running 179 special trains for passengers to go home on Diwali, Chhath, which are going to UP-Bihar and other states. These trains are mostly run from Delhi and are also providing facility for return. If you are also not able to get a confirmed ticket, then you can easily book in these trains.