Investment Tips for Beginners: Saving only Rs 600 a month can make you a millionaire! just have to start like this

Investment Tips: You can become a millionaire by following the 8-4-3 formula, know how
Investment Tips: You can become a millionaire by following the 8-4-3 formula, know how

How to start Investing:  The savings of just Rs 20 per day made by the new age people can make them millionaires after a long time. Let’s understand how it will be possible…

How to start Investing: The life of a common man is spent only in thinking that how he should become special from the common man. But it is not that a key is needed to open people’s fortunes. In today’s time, every person can take care of his own future by investing. There is also no need for a huge amount to invest. But still people get scared after hearing the word Invest.

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How to become rich with small amount? 

Experts say that to start investing, it is necessary to have more confidence than money. You can also raise a big fund by investing a small amount. Yes but it is very important to learn patience before investing. Long term investments always give benefits. In such a situation, long term investment of small amount made by you can lay the foundation for your better future.

Start investing from Rs 20 a day

If you are afraid of investing more money in the beginning, then start small. You invest less money. But start investing as early as possible, then only your target will be easily fulfilled. You can easily understand it in such a way that if you invest only 20 rupees every day, then even these 20 rupees can make you a millionaire after a long time.

Invest in SIP

You can also get good returns by depositing at least Rs 500 every month in a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). The longer the tenure is, the better the returns you get. In some funds, you can get returns of up to 20 percent.

Here’s how to start your first investment

If you are also thinking that how can you make 1 crore rupees by depositing 20 rupees, then the answer is that if a 20 year old youth saved 20 rupees every day, then this amount would be 600 rupees for a month. is.

This amount should be invested in SIP every month. If 20 rupees are deposited continuously for 40 years i.e. about 480 months, then about 10 crore rupees can be raised. Although this work is also a bit risky. But even here if you work with patience, then you will definitely be able to fulfill your target.


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