IRCTC: Big news! Pick up your mobile and take advantage of these facilities

IRCTC Ticket Booking: While booking tickets from IRCTC, money was deducted from the account but the ticket was not booked, know what to do now?
IRCTC Ticket Booking: While booking tickets from IRCTC, money was deducted from the account but the ticket was not booked, know what to do now?

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) not only provides the facility of booking railway tickets but now provides many facilities. 

IRCTC, which takes the lovers of traveling by running special trains, to different beautiful parts of the country, now also offers air travel. IRCTC gives many more facilities, let’s know about them.

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Do you know that now IRCTC has become an official air ticket booking agent. Through IRCTC, now officers posted in government service and working in ministries can also book their air tickets.

If you want to go somewhere and are looking for a good hotel online then IRCTC (IRCTC Tour Packages) can help you. Through IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation), you can now book hotels in different parts of the country sitting at home. It starts with only 600 rupees room on IRCTC, IRCTC (IRCTC News) makes booking of good hotels in 135 small and big cities of the country.

If you want to visit the National Rail Museum in New Delhi and also want to avoid the line, then IRCTC has also arranged for it. Now you can book tickets online to visit National Rail Museum through IRCTC. This facility has been inaugurated by the railway officials yesterday only on Monday. You can take advantage of these facilities of IRCTC from your mobile sitting at home.

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