IRCTC Cancel Train: 335 trains canceled even today, check list here before leaving home

IRCTC Cancel Train: 335 trains canceled even today, check list here before leaving home
IRCTC Cancel Train: 335 trains canceled even today, check list here before leaving home

Of these, 296 trains have been completely cancelled, while 39 trains have been partially cancelled. Information has been given by the National Train Inquiry System that today 17 trains have also been rescheduled.

If you are also going to travel by train today, then this news is useful for you. Although the cold wave has stopped now, but still the Indian Railways is continuously stopping the operation of many trains every day. Let us tell you, according to the information received from different zones of the Railways, 335 trains scheduled to depart today i.e. on February 6, 2023 have been canceled across the country.

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Of these, 296 trains have been completely cancelled, while 39 trains have been partially cancelled. Information has been given by the National Train Inquiry System that today 17 trains have also been rescheduled. Apart from this, 19 trains have been diverted. The canceled trains include passenger, mail and express trains.

Trains are getting canceled every day

Indian Railways is considered the lifeline of the country. Thousands of trains operate every day and lakhs of people travel in them. In such a situation, if the railways cancels, diverts or reschedules the trains, then people have to face a lot of inconvenience. Today on Monday, February 6 also, the Railways has canceled 335 trains. Therefore, if you also have to travel by train today, then before leaving home, do check the status of your train. You can easily check train status online.

Check train status like this

Indian Railways provides important information related to rail online for the convenience of passengers. Railways provides information about canceled, partially canceled and route diverted trains on the website of Indian Railways and IRCTC. Information about canceled trains can also be obtained on the NTES app.

Status of any train can be checked on railway website or on IRCTC website Is.

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