IRCTC Canceled Trains on 18 June 2022: Attention Passengers! Railways canceled more than 700 trains, routes changed for many trains, check list immediately

IRCTC Canceled Trains on 18 June 2022: Attention Passengers! Railways canceled more than 700 trains, routes changed for many trains, check list immediately
IRCTC Canceled Trains on 18 June 2022: Attention Passengers! Railways canceled more than 700 trains, routes changed for many trains, check list immediately

IRCTC Canceled Trains on 18 June 2022: Railways has canceled more than 700 trains today. In such a situation, it is necessary to check the status of your train, so that you do not have to face any problem by going to the station.

IRCTC Canceled Trains Today List: If you are going to travel by train today or if you have already made a reservation, then you must check the list of canceled trains before that.

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Railways has canceled more than 700 trains today. In such a situation, it is necessary to check the status of your train, so that you do not have to face any problem by going to the station.

According to the official website of Indian Railways Cancel Train on 18th June

, it has been decided to cancel 719 trains today i.e. on 18th June 2022. Along with this, changes have also been made in the routes of many trains and many trains have also been rescheduled. So let’s check the list immediately-

  • Cancel Trains – 719
  • Reschedule Train – 26
  • Diverted Train – 10

Trains including all types of

trains, including Mail, Passenger, Express, are included in the canceled trains. If you also have a ticket, then before going to the station, you should check the complete list. You can also check this list by visiting the official website of Railways.

Why are trains cancelled?

Let us tell you that due to ongoing repairs and other reasons in many different zones, it has been decided to cancel these trains. Sometimes bad weather is the reason behind the cancellation of trains. A large number of trains are canceled due to rain, storm, storm etc. At the same time, due to law and order, many times trains are canceled or their timings are changed.

How to see the list of canceled trains-

  • To check the list of canceled trains, you must first visit the official website
  • After that click on Exceptional Trains option.
  • Now here you have to click on the list of canceled, rescheduled and diverted trains.
  • After this, you will be given a complete list here, in which you can easily check the number of your train.


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