IRCTC Ticket Booking System Down: Booking of train tickets is not being done through IRCTC app and website, technical problem regarding payment

IRCTC Ticket Booking System Down: Booking of train tickets is not being done through IRCTC app and website, technical problem regarding payment
IRCTC Ticket Booking System Down: Booking of train tickets is not being done through IRCTC app and website, technical problem regarding payment

IRCTC Ticket Booking: Information has been shared by IRCTC that due to technical problem, there is a problem in making payment through web and app, due to which tickets are not being booked.

If you are going to book train tickets online then IRCTC has shared an important information. IRCTC has said that due to technical problem, payment for ticket booking from website and app is not being done. IRCTC has shared this information through Twitter. Railway has said that work is being done on this problem. Will be solved soon.

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Railway told the way for booking

Sharing the information on the social site, Railways has said that the technical problem regarding payment is coming only on the app and website. However, you can choose the Ask disha option for booking. Apart from this, if you have money in your IRCTC e-wallet, then ticket booking can also be done from there. Apart from this, you can book tickets from the counter at the railway station.

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