IRCTC Train Ticket Cancellation Rules : Do not make any mistakes in canceling the ticket, in this situation you will not get refund, know the new rules.

IRCTC Train Ticket Cancellation Rules : Do not make any mistakes in canceling the ticket, in this situation you will not get refund, know the new rules.
IRCTC Train Ticket Cancellation Rules : Do not make any mistakes in canceling the ticket, in this situation you will not get refund, know the new rules.

The number of trains in the country is much less than the number of passengers which makes it very difficult to get a confirmed ticket.

In such a situation, many people are canceling their waiting tickets or canceling their confirmed tickets due to some other reasons. In such a situation, you should know IRCTC cancellation and refund rules to reduce your loss.

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IRCTC Train Ticket Cancellation Rules. At present, due to the festive season in the country, there is a lot of crowd in the railways. Many people are not getting confirmed tickets during festivals. As a result people are forced to cancel their waiting tickets . At the same time, some people cancel their confirmed tickets due to personal reasons.

If you are thinking of canceling your waiting ticket or confirmed ticket for any reason, then before that you should know about the cancellation and refund rules of IRCTC so that you lose less money.

Tickets are canceled in two categories

The official app or website to book tickets in Indian Railways is IRCTC or you can book tickets by visiting the reservation counter.

IRCTC gives refund in two categories on cancellation of e-tickets. The first is ‘before preparing the chart’ and the second is ‘after preparing the chart’. Both the categories have separate refund procedures which you should be aware of.

What are the rules before preparing the chart?

Different charges are deducted for different coaches 48 hours before the train timing.

  • Rs 240 is deducted for 1st AC/Executive class
  • Rs 200 is deducted for 2nd AC.
  • Rs 180 is deducted for 3rd AC.
  • Rs 120 is deducted for sleeper class.
  • Rs 60 is deducted for second class.

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