ITBP Recruitment 2024: Applications for 819 posts of ITBP Constable (Kitchen Service) start today, read full details here

ITBP Recruitment 2024: Applications started for 526 posts of ITBP, salary is in lakhs… apply like this
ITBP Recruitment 2024: Applications started for 526 posts of ITBP, salary is in lakhs… apply like this

ITBP Recruitment 2024: Recruitment has been done to fill a total of 819 vacant posts of Constable (Kitchen Service) in ITBP. To join this recruitment, candidates can complete the application process from today i.e. 2 September to 1 October 2024. A fee of Rs 100 will have to be deposited along with filling the application form. SC ST and Ex Servicemen can apply free of cost.

ITBP Recruitment 2024: Recruitment has been issued by Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) for bumper posts of Constable (Kitchen Service- Male / Female). The application process for this recruitment will be started from today i.e. 2 September 2024. All the candidates who want to join this recruitment can fill the form through online medium from today. The application form link has been made available on the official website of ITBP Before filling the online form, the candidates must check the eligibility prescribed for the recruitment.

Who can participate in the recruitment

To apply for the post of Constable (Kitchen Service – Male / Female), the candidate should have passed 10th from a recognized board and done NSQF Level 1 course in Food Production or Kitchen. Along with this, the age of the candidate should be between 18 years to 25 years.

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Application Process

To join this recruitment, application can be made only through online mode on the official website, forms will not be accepted in any other medium. Before filling the form, you have to register by filling the required details. After registration, the candidate should enter other details and finally take a printout of the fully filled form by paying the prescribed fee. The application fee has been fixed at Rs 100 for candidates of all other categories. SC, ST and Ex Servicemen can apply for free to join this recruitment.


Recruitment Details

Through this recruitment, a total of 819 posts of Constable (Kitchen Service) will be recruited. Out of this, 697 posts are reserved for male candidates and 819 posts are reserved for female candidates.

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