Jharkhand Teacher Jobs 2023: Vacancy has come out for more than 26 thousand posts of PRT and TGT teachers in Jharkhand. Applications have not started yet. Know from when you can apply and what is the last date of application.
Jharkhand JSSC Teacher Recruitment 2023: If you are looking for a government job on the post of teacher, then you can apply for these recruitments. Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission has released vacancies for 26 thousand posts. These posts are for PRT and TGT teachers. Only online applications can be made for these. To do this, you have to visit the official website of JSSC. From here you can also see the notice and fill the form after opening the application link. The address of the official website of Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission for these works is – jssc.nic.in.
Jharkhand JSSC Teacher Recruitment 2023: If you are looking for a government job on the post of teacher, then you can apply for these recruitments. Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission has released vacancies for 26 thousand posts. These posts are for PRT and TGT teachers. Only online applications can be made for these. To do this, you have to visit the official website of JSSC. From here you can also see the notice and fill the form after opening the application link. The address of the official website of Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission for these works is – jssc.nic.in.
When can I apply
Right now only notice has been released for these posts of Jharkhand Teacher. Applications will start from 8 August 2023 and the last date to apply for these posts is 07 September 2023 . The last date to pay the application fee is 09 September 2023 . By uploading photo, signature etc. the print out can be taken out till the midnight of 11th September. The correction window will open from 13 to 15 September 2023 .
The selection for these will be through Jharkhand Trained Primary Teacher Combined Competitive Examination 2023. These applications have been invited for this examination.
Vacancy detail
A total of 26001 posts will be filled through this recruitment drive. Out of these, Jharkhand PRT has 11000 posts and Jharkhand TGT has 15001 posts. If we talk about the age limit, then to apply for these posts, the age of the candidate should be between 21 to 40 years.