Do you know where your Aadhaar number has been used? This is how you can find out


Do you know where your Aadhaar number has been used? This is how you can find out 

Now that Aadhaar is used for authentication for various services, you might be a bit worried about its misuse. But do you know you can track when and where your Aadhaar number was used for authentication? Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has provided a provision of checking details about when and where was a person’s Aadhaar was used on their website.

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Here in this articles we will let you know the steps to check the when and where your Aadhaar was used for authentication:

1. Go to Aadhaar authentication history page

2. Enter your Aadhaar number and the security code in the picture.

3. Click on ‘Generate OTP’.

4. You will receive an OTP on your mobile phone. Be sure you had verified your mobile number with the UIDAI website.

5. You will see options to choose the period of information you need to gain and the number of transactions. Write your OTP and hit on ‘Submit’ button.

6. You will see date, time and type of all Aadhaar authentication requests made in the period you had chosen. However, you cannot see who made the requests on the page.

If you are doubtful that some suspicious activity has been done, then you can even lock your Aadhaar information online and unlock it whenever you wish to use it again. And while you are figuring that out, don’t forget ..

You should visit the Income Tax website, enter your PAN along with Aadhaar details, and that is how you can complete the process  of authentication. The last date for this has been extended to March 31.

Bank account 
You can link your bank account with your Aadhaar number at a bank branch, or with the help of Internet or by using mobile banking facilities. To do it through Internet banking online, log in to your online banking account and click on the ‘Update Aadhaar’ link. After this you are required to enter your Aadhaar details and submit it. Use the OTP sent to your registered number to complete the process. Deadline for this is December 31, 2017.

Mutual fund folio 

CAMS and Karvy Computershare offer an online facility for people to link their Aadhaar to your mutual fund account. Go to the CAMS or Karvy website and click on the ‘Link Your Aadhaar’ tab. Follow the steps to fill in the form and then hit submit, then you need to provide the OTP generated and sent to your registered mobile number to complete the linking process. Last date to do this is December 31, 2017.


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