Life Certificate: Good News Now you will not have to face trouble for life certificate, UIDAI has issued this facility, check it here and it will give you a lot of work.

Life Certificate: Good News Now you will not have to face trouble for life certificate, UIDAI has issued this facility, check it here and it will give you a lot of work.
Life Certificate: Good News Now you will not have to face trouble for life certificate, UIDAI has issued this facility, check it here and it will give you a lot of work.

UIDAI has made it easy for pensioners to submit the life certificate. Actually, UIDAI has launched the FACE AUTHENTICATION facility.

UIDAI has made it easy for pensioners to submit the life certificate. Actually, UIDAI has launched the FACE AUTHENTICATION facility. Through which any pensioner can give proof of being alive at his home.

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UIDAI has launched a mobile app for this facility. Let us tell you that the pensioners were facing a lot of difficulties to give their life certificate. The name of this app is AadhaarFaceRd App. You can use this facility by downloading it on your phone.



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