Liquor Price Increase: Liquor will be expensive from April, know how much the prices of desi, English and beer will increase

Liquor Price Increase: Liquor will be expensive from April, know how much the prices of desi, English and beer will increase
Liquor Price Increase: Liquor will be expensive from April, know how much the prices of desi, English and beer will increase

UP Liquor Price: The Yogi Adityanath government of Uttar Pradesh has announced a new liquor policy. After this, there is bound to be an increase in the prices of liquor and beer in UP. The new rates of liquor will be applicable from the beginning of the new financial year i.e. from April. In such a situation, know how much the prices of liquor, beer, country liquor are going to increase in UP.

New Delhi: UP Liquor Price: The Yogi Adityanath government of Uttar Pradesh has announced a new liquor policy. After this, there is bound to be an increase in the prices of liquor and beer in UP. The new rates of liquor will be applicable from the beginning of the new financial year i.e. from April. In such a situation, know how much the prices of liquor, beer, country liquor are going to increase in UP.

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English liquor will cost up to Rs 10

According to media reports, after the implementation of the new liquor policy in Uttar Pradesh, country liquor will cost Rs 5, while English liquor will see an increase of Rs 10. Similarly, the price of beer is also going to increase by Rs 5 to 7.

10 percent increase in license fee

In fact, the new excise policy for the financial year 2023-24 was approved by the cabinet in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday. According to the new policy, there will be a 10 percent increase in the license fee of retail liquor and beer vendors in UP. Not only this, Rs 3 lakh will have to be paid for serving liquor at the model shop, while earlier its fee was Rs 2 lakh annually.

Liquor will have to be sold 10 percent more

Under the new liquor policy, those running liquor and beer retail shops will have to sell 10 percent more liquor in the next financial year. The minimum guarantee quota has been increased by 10 per cent.

The license fees of hotels, restaurants, clubs and bars located within 5 km radius of Gautam Budh Municipal Authority area, Ghaziabad and Lucknow Municipal Corporation area and its periphery have also been increased. Whether these areas are rural or urban, these rules will be applicable in both.

Shops will open from 10 am to 10 pm

As per reports, there has been no change in the maximum quantity of liquor to be bought, transported and kept in private possession for individual home licences. Liquor shops will be allotted through e-lottery. At the same time, there has been no change in the opening and closing time of local, English and beer shops and model shops. In these, the time of sale will be from 10 am to 10 pm.

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