Lowest Personal Loan Interest Rates: Personal loan comes in handy when we are short of money and we need money as soon as possible. It is an unsecured loan given by a lender. This means that while taking this loan, the potential borrower is not required to provide collateral or security against the loan.
Lowest Personal Loan Interest Rates: Personal Loan has the highest interest rates compared to other loans like home, car, gold etc. This is why people should compare rates and borrow from a lender offering relatively low rates with a short tenure. Additionally, banks offer lower interest rates to borrowers who have a very good credit score.
Personal loan comes in handy when we are short of money and we need money as soon as possible. It is an unsecured loan given by a lender. This means that while taking this loan, the potential borrower is not required to provide collateral or security against the loan.
Which bank is offering personal loan at low interest?
Bank of Maharashtra Interest Rates
For loan amounts up to Rs 20 lakh, Bank of Maharashtra will charge an interest rate of 10.00% per annum for a tenure of 84 months.
Interest Rates of Punjab & Sind Bank
For loan amount up to Rs 3 lakh, Punjab & Sind Bank will charge interest rates of 10.15% – 12.80% per annum.
Bank of India Personal Loan Interest Rates
For loan amount up to Rs 20 lakh and tenure up to 84 months, Bank of India will charge an interest rate of 10.25% per annum.
IndusInd Bank Personal Loan Interest Rates
For loan amount more than or equal to Rs 30,000 and up to Rs 25 lakh, IndusInd Bank will charge interest rates ranging from 10.25% to 32.02% for tenures between 12 months to 60 months.
Bank of Baroda (BoB) Personal Loan Interest Rates
For loan amounts above Rs 50,000 and up to Rs 20 lakh, Bank of Baroda (BoB) will charge interest rates ranging from 10.35% to 17.50% per annum. The tenure will be in the range of 48 to 60 months.