New Delhi, Tech Desk. Xiaomi is launching its Redmi Note 9 series globally tomorrow. Apart from this, the company can also launch the Mi Note 10 Lite series tomorrow. Apart from these two smartphone series, the company can launch the global version of its recently launched Mi 10 Youth Edition . It can be launched globally as Mi 10 Lite Zoom and Mi 10 Lite 5G. Many information related to these smartphones has also been revealed earlier. The Mi 10 Lite Zoom can be offered with a periscope lens and 5x optical zoom.
Tipster Mukul Sharma has shared information about Mi 10 Lite Zoom Edition. This smartphone can be launched with HDR 10+ display feature. Tipster posted the Mi 10 Youth with the hashtag in his tweet. This makes it clear that it can be the global version of Mi 10 Youth
Possible features of Mi 10 Lite Zoom
The Mi 10 Lite Zoom can be launched with a 6.57-inch Super AMOLED display. Waterdrop notch feature can be used in this. Quad rear camera set-up can be given in the back of the phone. The phone can come with Snapdragon 765G processor. The company can launch it as a mid-range 5G smartphone. Talking about the camera features of the phone, a 48MP primary camera, 8MP periscope camera (with 5x optical zoom, OIS, PDAF feature) 8MP ultra wide camera and 2MP macro camera can be given in its back. For selfie, it can be given a 16MP ultra wide camera. For power in the phone, a 4,160mAh battery can be given with 22.5W fast charging support. The phone can come with 6GB / 8GB RAM and 128GB / 256GB storage support.
Almost all the features of Mi 10 Lite 5G can be given like Mi 10 Lite Zoom. A 48MP + 8MP + 2MP + 2MP camera set-up can be given in its back. Dual LED flash and HDR support can be given in it. It can be launched with 6GB / 8GB RAM and 128GB storage. It can use 20W fast charging support. All the features other than the phone can be given like Mi 10 Lite Zoom.