MP Board 10th-12th Result 2022: This time the list of toppers will be issued by the Madhya Pradesh Board.
For the last two years, the list of toppers was not being released by the board. Because students were being promoted due to Corona. But this time the 10th-12th examinations have been organized by the board.
Madhya Pradesh Board 10th-12th Result (MP Board 10th-12th Result 2022) will be released tomorrow at 1 pm. After releasing the Madhya Pradesh Board 10th-12th result, it will become the second regional board of the country, which will issue the result first after Bihar Board. Because till now the result of 10th-12th has been released only by the Bihar Board.
Madhya Pradesh Board will declare class 10th class 12th result simultaneously for the second time in 17 years. Till now the result has been released in the month of May only. Along with the examinations being held for the first time in February, the result is also being declared a month earlier in the month of April.
Bihar Board 10th-12th result has been released in the last week of March itself. At the same time, now the Madhya Pradesh Board will release the result on April 29. After the result of MP Board, students will be able to check on third party website apart from the official website. Steps to check the result will be given on the official website.
At the same time, for the first time in the history of 60 years, the board examinations were started in the month of February due to the postponement of examinations due to Kovid infection. To prepare the result, this time the MP Board of the students had also called for online marks.
This time the list of toppers will be released by the Madhya Pradesh Board. For the last two years, the list of toppers was not being released by the board. Because students were being promoted due to Corona. But this time the 10th-12th examinations have been organized by the board.
Result will be able to check like this
- First of all go to the official website.
- After that click on the result link.
- Enter personal details and submit.
- 10th-12th result will be in front of you.
- Download a copy of the result and keep it with you.